Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bo needs to cough up 26,000 euros Rent

Mönchengladbach - Juicy arrears for Bo Svensson: The Ex-Borusse lost before the district court Rheydt one Mietprozess (AZ 20 C 104/07) and has to fork out around 26,000 euros for an apartment where he lived for 19 months no more. "It's gone pretty stupid and extremely annoying," said the Dane, who moved to the descent to Mainz.
Svensson, who in January 2006 to 30 June 2009 tied Borussia had rented for 1,380 euros a month apartment in a chic district of Giesenkirchen. For both parties the right of termination for 24 months were excluded.
But only a short time after moving Svensson wanted to relocate to the birth of his second child with his family in a bigger house. He announced the lease. The clause was not known to him. "There is nothing like it here in Denmark is not. There, the three-month termination provisions, "says the 28-year-old, pushing the buck on to Borussia:" I could not right then German. Therefore, the association has settled it for me. "
Media spokesman Markus Aretz disagrees: "We have taught and helped him find an apartment. The contract he alone has been completed. "The landlord sued Svensson - with success. Case explanation: "The tenant is not unduly disadvantaged by the exclusion of mutual termination. Rather, it has been known that the owner was interested in a longer-term lease. "