Thursday, April 29, 2010

"Dr. Ascent "kissing Nuremberg awake again

Nuremberg / Cologne - "Let me please be in peace! I slept only an hour! "Michael Oenning (43) was all ready, when he arrived Monday morning EXPRESS. Nuremberg's Rise trainer - still drunk from the kisses of his wife Veronique and the night's mega-sauce with the Swiss franc after the attachment victory over relegation-Cottbus> ...
A 3-0 in the first leg, 2-0 in the return game: The "Club" is once again first-class! The League looks forward to the return of a traditional club and a "somewhat different coaches." Because: The life of the 43-year-old not long seemed to boil down to football. Amateur pianist Oenning initially proposed an academician-a career that was after the German and sports studies at the universities of Munster and Stuttgart even teaching.
Moreover, the choice of cramming hamburger (lives in the district Rotherbaum with Veronique and the children Falk and Fynn) for his doctoral thesis. "Two years have I brooded on the dissertation," he told the Express, "was the subject of German literature of the '20s. It came together a few pages, but then it was closing - the professional-called football. "Now he is Dr. Ascent ...
Followed by years as co-trainer and youth (including in Wolfsburg, Gladbach and Bochum). Even with television channel Premiere and he is standing still commentator Kai Dittmann as an assistant to the side. However, at Nuremberg, "Dr. Rise "now definitely the boss! Oenning after (almost) sleepless night: "I want this now to enjoy ..."